15 Brilliant Tips To Write Engaging Blog Headlines

Writing is an art! Giving shape to the ideas flowing in the mind in a creative way is actually not everyone’s cup of tea. This however doesn’t mean that one who is not the professional writer can’t even try writing. As they say practice makes the man perfect; one should never stop trying.

I am sure by now you know the topic I am talking about. Yes, its creative writing! To be precise, I am here to talk about how to write the creative headlines. Undeniably, the writeup should be interesting and creatively crafted but the if the header of your writeup is not catchy, no one will make efforts to click the link and read no matter how creatively you wrote the article.

Engaging Blog Headlines

I am not denying the saying as it goes that we should never judge the book by its cover. However, incase of blogging, the header gives the idea to the reader as to what the writeup is about. I am sure none of you would want to let your hard work go waste so the word of suggestion here goes that one should write the creative and catchy headlines.

Continuing with the discussion, here I would like to pin down few tips that one should keep in mind while writing the headline of the article.

1. Interesting headline

Remember generating interest is the key point that should be kept in mind while writing the headline. The header should clearly tell the readers that the article is worth reading.

2. Compelling headline

The header of your articles should be persuading enough to ask the readers to want more. Coming up with the catchy headline can prove quite tricky at times but the fact remains that it is actually worth it to brainstorm a bit and come up with compelling headline.

Compelling headline

3. Questioning headers

It might sound strange but if you ask questions in your headline and leave the readers curious to know the answer, it is certain persuade the readers ending up reading the entire article. It’s the normal human tendency that questions tickle us more than anything else and asking question in the simple and interesting way in the header is sure to do the trick.

4. SEO friendly headline

SEO friendly headlines help drive more traffic besides helping the readers get the idea as to what the post/article is related to. However, be cautious not to burden the headlines with keywords.

SEO friendly headline

5. Active voice

Write your headlines in the active voice to make it cut short. This doesn’t mean you can’t write in passive voice. Depending on the need of the hour, select the position of the object and subject. Preferably, you should start with the subject and write in the active voice.

6. Present Tense

As far as headlines are concerned, the tenses just like the complete writeup play a major role in making it interesting and worth reading. Use present tense for immediate past information, past tense for past perfect and future tense for coming events.

7. How-to

How-to headlines are used to generate curiosity in the readers. Headlines that start with ‘How-to’ persuade the readers to stick and read on. Not always but try using the How-to in your headlines wherever your feel the need.


8. Short Headline

Write short and to-the-point headlines this however doesn’t mean that it should be incomplete. Use fewer words but convey your message completely in an interesting way.

9. No Unnecessary capitalization of words

Until your publication follows the style in which the words need capitalization, you should avoid it as far as possible. Capitalize the first word of the headline and proper names; that’s all.

10. Avoid cliches

Cliches as always makes the subject boring and turn down the reader. Make your headlines engaging by avoiding repetitive words in your headlines.

11. No unnecessary breaks

Giving unnecessary breaks in the headline spoils the purpose. Try not to make your headers go in flow and avoid bumps if any.

12. Be Clear

Express the main idea of the article in the headline to make the readers well understand as to what they can expect. Write the suitable and clear headline.

13. Re-check

Before you finally publish the article, along with re-reading your article make sure you check the headlines for grammatical errors, and spelling mistakes if any.


14. Write headlines first

My co-bloggers always wrote the headline first and then the post but frankly, I never understood the concept, but when I started following the rule, I actually came to know how it effects the whole writeup and makes it worth reading. Follow the mantra of writing the headline first and then the post to fit in.

15. Enjoy writing the headlines

Don’t take writing the headline part as a burden, instead enjoy and think how you can make it interesting. Writing headlines is not a fuss as someof you might consider it to be.

Remember, little bit of brainstorming for the headline will make your efforts worth and trust me it will help you a great deal if you give it the due importance. Happy writing!

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