$30 Tablet computing on his way

With the launch of Apple I-Pad the tablet computing exploded over the world .Now India is going ahead towards tablet computing with the launch of $30 Tablets. Low cost Indian engineering broken another price barrier .IIT engineering students from Bangalore, Mumbai and Chennai,played a vital role in developing the motherboard and other key components.

The $ 30 tablet not only touch screen enabled also environmental friendly –capable to work with solar energy. The device come up with wifi connectivity, video conferencing, write or save any text files including formats like TXT,DOC,DOCX Inc.The innovative touch pad includes one Multimedia  viewer which can read BMP,GIF,AC3,AVI,BMP and many more formats. $30 tablet was even smaller than Apple I-pad and fully packed with Linux OS.Presently no internal storage but you have an option for using external memory cards.

Indian government looks on students and families with low income as the main users.Govt is looking for hardware partners for tablet’s industrial production. Once it become mass produced the price even fall under $20 per one tablet.

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