5 Awesome Launchers For Android Phones You Probably Don’t Know
Android phones, as far as my personal experience goes, are much easier to customize than iPhones. For one thing, there is no jail breaking involved. Android phones are as ready as they come as far as customizing is concerned. There are no restrictions from the makers, unlike in Apple devices. Android phones are designed so that you can change everything about them, and that too as frequently as you like.
One of the simplest ways to switch the whole look and feel of your Android phone with a single change is to change your launcher. The launcher of your phone is basically your home screen, from which you can launch other applications by tapping on them. Since it is the screen that greets you when you unlock your phone, as well as being the interface between you and your apps, changing your launcher is almost like changing your phone altogether, but at no extra expense.
There are several great launchers out there, and we have compiled a list of five of the free ones that we liked the best. Check these launchers out on your Android phone one by one, and do tell us how you liked them.
1. Launcher 7
If you are using Metro UI or other Windows Phone 7 launchers, the Launcher 7 will provide you a nice break. This Windows product, unlike the other Windows launchers, lets you modify your home screen to a great degree. All you have to do is hold your finger over a tab for a few seconds, and then drag it wherever you want to take it. Launcher 7 is the best option is you want to replicate WP7 looks on your Android phones, but with better features.
2. Zeam Launcher
If you are not comfortable with frilly launchers all heavy with features, and are just looking for a no nonsense launcher that will serve you the basics in an efficient and eye pleasing way, Zeam is the Launcher for you. The minimalist and aesthetic look will certainly please you and it is incredibly small and light too. But don’t opt for this one if you are looking for a lot of features in your launcher.
3. FTL Launcher
The makers of this launcher claim that it is the fastest launcher available for Android. While we certainly have not tested out every single Android launcher available to test this claim, we are going to have to agree with FTL, this launcher is pretty darn fast. It is ideal for those who hate waiting for their home screen and apps to load. Unfortunately, like most products that have a pro version, the free version of this launcher is somewhat restricted in features. Still, the speed really is incredible.
4. Lightening Launcher
The best part of Lightening Launcher is that in spite of being packed with features, it is extremely light. That is because this launcher believes in cutting out the fat and keeping only the muscle. With this launcher, you don’t have through browse through different pages to find your app, they are all there on the mail screen.
5. MX Home Launcher
The reason we have kept this one for the last is that it is not going to appeal to everybody. The USP of this launcher is that it shows your apps in 3D. Now, while personally we don’t believe that 3D improves apps in any way, we realize that there are a number of android users who simply love 3D. so if you are one of them, you are certainly going to enjoy fooling around with this app.
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