5 Reasons Why You Should Use Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a tool that is used by many businesses, both large and small. It can help you understand more about your website and the people who use it, which can in turn be built into your business plan so you can work out how to turn the information you’ve been given into revenue for your business. Read on to find out about 5 reasons to be using Google Analytics.


Learn about your traffic stats

One important reason to use Google Analytics is to find out about your traffic statistics. This essentially refers to how many people are using your website. For instance, you can look at how many people visited your website on any given day, as well as other information such as how long they stayed on your site. The ‘bounce rate’ is another important element of your traffic statistics; this is what tells you how many people left your site almost as soon as they found it. It will give you a good indication of how much more work you need to do in order to grab web users’ attention.

Find out about search information

Another reason to use Google Analytics is because it can give you important search information. For example, it can tell you the search terms that your customers used to find your site; this is useful when you are determining which keywords and phrases to target. If you have an internal search engine on your website, it can also tell you what your readers searched for on there, which can be a good way of determining popular topics on your site.

Integrate it with AdWords

You can also integrate Analytics with Google AdWords. Adwords is Google’s tool that helps you to identify keywords to target on your site. Once you are armed with the relevant search data provided by Analytics, you can then also make use of AdWords to get valuable information that can be translated to your website. For instance, users might have been searching for key terms you had never previously considered; this could be beneficial for both your SEO and in translating site visitors into business.

Track progress and plan ahead

Google Analytics also allows you to track the progress of your website over time. For instance, you can look at data from a few months ago and see how it has performed since then. This can be a good way of tracking your online achievements and it can also highlight areas where you might need to spend a bit more time in order to ensure your website is a success.

You can also use Google Analytics to set goals for yourself, so you have something to work towards when you are improving your website. You’ll then be able to see if and when you meet those goals, and then set new challenges once you’ve done it.

The cost

One of the best reasons to use Google Analytics is the cost: it’s free. This means that anyone can use it, making it great for small businesses in particular, and you can use the results to improve the performance of your website. It can help you identify untapped areas of potential in your site and make the most of them – something that’s very important if you want to become a success on the web.

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