7 Most Unique And Weird Arcade Games Ever

Whenever we recall about the arcade gaming, we simply drifts back to our past very furiously when we were kids and used to play arcade games. We reminisce of the two joy-sticks that help to move forward, back, to jump and to hit the opponent in the game. We forgot all the burdens, tensions and worries when we play arcade game and just get lost in the world of fictions and assumptions and we do not care about the how and what is the theme of the game whether it is belong to sex, suicide, bully or any other controversial concept.

 play arcade game

Wiki states, “An arcade game is a coin operated entertainment machine, usually installed in public places.”
The trend of arcade game was started from the 1970 till early 90’s. They get most popular in the western countries when they upgraded from 2D to 3D. They are developed only for the entertainment but some dirty minds made arcade game defame and decrease the popularity because of some controversial and weird games. Even some countries banned the coin-operated games only because of the same reason and states that these games are not appropriate for the kids and should be banned completely.

Do Read : Top 5 Best PC Games Of Year 2012

We have listed some controversial and weirdest games created in different parts of world:


Another popular game of America in the 80’s, burgertime traces out the harrowing adventures and funs of a short-order Fast-Food cook of America. He bounces off burly burgers, pissed off pickles and tough tomatoes.

Reikai Doushi (Chinese Exorsist)

Another Japanese wonder, this game is just downright strange; it features a Claymation kung fu warrior who kills Chinese ghosts and zombies. It stirs the issue of hoe you can punch a ghost without your hand.

Live Lobster Catcher

A coin-operated game, in which you have to operate a wobbly claw crane. It is the weirder version in the Japan. It allows the gamer to try their hand at catching live Lobsters. It required some skills because lobsters get worried of being grabbed by an electric claw.

Boong Ga Boong Ga

One of the most controversial Arcade Game, in the game everything is wrong from the controller to the results. Let us starts with the controller, which is a denim wearing, squishy ass. The players have to choose a desired character from a menu which listed ‘ex-girlfriend’, ‘prostitute’ and ‘gold-digger ’. Then proceeds to spank the bottom of the controller hard and vigorously as the player can as long as he or she desires. At the end, the player will get a printed card that explains the player’s sexual performance.

Death Race

It is the starting of the violence and bloodshed in games; it raises the controversy in the US about the violence in games. Death Race launched in 1976 is a contest in driving down fleeing giant who screams out loud.

Cho Chabudai Gaeshi (Upending the Tea Table Game)

The Japanese are attracted by very strange things. The main motive of the game is to toss a miniature supper table as violently and quickly as possible in order to break the most glasses and dishes displayed in the screen.

Wall Street

This weird and absurd game includes a plan to catch the suicidal Wall Street investors as they are going to jump to their deaths with a trampoline moves back and forth across the screen.

Clearly, the arcade game developed by the dirty and bad minds is not just fit for kids now days, they spreads a wrong message to the youth. But then again, what is wrong in having some virtual fun? After all they are just the games, far away from our real world. Right? Think about it …

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