How To Reduce Video File Size By Over 95%! Without Losing Quality
|Both professional and amateur video makers one of the main problem is the produced video clip size.These days every one got an HD shooting device in their hand and the videos becomes bigger than old ages. I too faced same problem like these because some of my hosts not support uploading too big files in to their servers so I have to look for a solution and finally found the best one to reduce the video file size over 95% with out losing quality.
App To Reduce Video File Size By Over 95%
One of the best one and most popular which can significantly reduce the video file size without losing quality is Handbrake. HandBrake is a GPL-licensed, multi-platform, multi-threaded video trans-coder. Handbrake can convert video from nearly any format including wmv – Windows Media Video File, .avi – Audio Video Interleave File, .m4v, .mov etc. And importantly it is a cross platform means you can use it on on Windows, Mac and Linux.
I tried Handbreake on windows and Linux and found really useful and must needed.Let me show you how to do it.
Download and install Handbrake
Handbreake is not so big in size. Download and install then compress your video in to the most popular video format with out losing quality.
Step 1: Download Handbrake at
Step 2: Double click the downloaded file to install Handbrake by following the instructions on screen.
Step 3: Launch Handbrake. Click on the “Source” button on the top left side of the handbreake interface and select the video file you want to reduce the size.
Step 4: Select the “Destination” where you want to save the compressed video file.By default, it is saved in the same folder where the original file is located.
Step 5: If you know what you are doing then you can go to the video tab and can edit the video encoder, frame rate, bit rate and quality level.If you are a basic user keep everything default.
Step 6: Click start button and with in minutes your reduced video file will be ready in destination folder.