How to Delete Friends Updates From Facebook Wall
|As you know there is lot of new comers joining Facebook daily basis and I hope this post will help those people. As a Facebook user, I know how much spam and useless updates I am getting daily from my friends and groups. Some times I decided to stop using Facebook because of too much group spam in my Facebook inbox. Now a days you will get too many scripts to remove these spam updates on your Facebook wall but the secured way will be the manual delete option.
Facebook newbie’s please do below steps to delete spam and useless update on your wall.
Step 1: Login to your Facebook Account
Step 2: Go to your wall and Click on the cross icon on the top right corner of your friends or group updates.
Step 3 : Now you will get Hide this, Hide All, Mark as Spam options. Select the best option that you recommend and you done it.
If you joined too many Groups, I know you will definitely get too many spam messages on your wall. As you know this method got some time consuming part but it is more secure than using any scripts on your Facebook account.