Firefox 6 Permission Manager – Quick Guide
|As you know Mozilla added the stable version of Firefox 6 in to their FTP server with some advanced features and we are expecting the official release with in few days. One important addition to this version includes the Permission manager for Firefox. Permission manger on Mozilla Firefox will allow users to define your own settings for websites.
Presently in Permission Manger I found five options Store Passwords, Share Location, Set Cookies, Open Pop-up Windows and Maintain Offline Storage. Now you wonder how you will get access to the new permission manger on Mozilla Firefox. Let me explain,Go to the address bar on your Mozilla Firefox and type about: permissions, Now you will get the Permission Manger window same as below.
Mozilla Firefox 6 Permission Manager Options in Detail
Store Passwords: Here you can allow or block storing of password for any website. It will not have any effect on other login helpers.
Share Location: Mozilla Firefox gather additional information from user such as your location and computer IP address then Firefox will submit that info to the websites if they support. Here you will get two options, Always Ask OR Block. I set this in to the block category for some websites.
Set Cookies: Here you got options to allow, Block cookies along with Allow for session only.
Open Pop-up Windows: I recommend you to put this option in to the Block category because some of the websites will add too many Popup ads and it will create you problems some times.
Maintain Offline Storage: It will be handy if you have access to your Favourite website content in offline browsing mode. Only set this option to your favourite websites only.
How to add Websites to the Firefox 6 Permission Manger
Normally Firefox will display a most used websites list in your Firefox 6. Don’t worry if you not found your favourite website in the list, you can add it later .Go through below steps.
Step 1: Visit your favourite website in Firefox 6 and Click on the website icon in the address bar
Step 2: Now Click More Information
Step 3: Then Click on Permissions tab and set the permissions for the site that you’re visiting.
If you want any customization for your favorite website, do change it from here once done it will be added automatically to the Mozilla Firefox 6 Permissions page.