How To Find Public IP Address Of Your Computer ?
|If you are a regular internet user, you may be gone through different occasions where you want to know your ip address. To find out your public IP Address, you can use different third party applications and websites such as whatismyipaddress, whatismyip, IPAddressWorld etc .Most of the third party ip-lookup applications available for Windows, Mac and linux operating systems.
I think you may be using any of these ip look up applications already or websites to know your public ip address. If yes, it’s time to say Good bye to those websites and applications. Now you don’t need to visit any third party websites and applications to track down your public ip address.
As you know Google adding new features to their search engine consistantly and the recent addition include the instant IP lookup. You can simply find your public ip address by just typing “my ip” text in the Google search interface and it will show you your public ip address.