Top 5 Ways to Quickly Increase Twitter Followers
|Many people are looking for more followers and a quick gain in Twitter network activity. The popularity of Twitter has exponentially increased since its launching in 2006 and there are billions of Tweets received and sent through the network by users every day.
Twitter originally designed as a tool for social networking, it quickly became refocused for various marketing campaigns and political purposes, with fans and voters checking the tweets to be updated on the latest news and activities of favorite artist, politician or pop star. Below are five tips to gain more twitter followers:
1) Provide followers information
Provide your current followers information on how “retweeting” works. Twitter has a new function allowing their users to forward tweet messages instantly to followers including images and photos. The moment one of your tweets get retweeted, everyone who sees the tweet will also be able to view your twitter ID. To retweet, you should start your tweet messages with ‘rt@’ or ‘retweet@’ and then the user ID of the tweeter who sent it. The moment your followers become familiar with how to retweet, you should post interesting new tweets and start encouraging your followers to do the retweet. Photos and images are very popular items for retweeting.
2) Add Additional Info about You
Complete your profile or site bio as this is the quickest way for people to look for additional information about you. Your followers should be kept interested with fascinating information from your tweets to prevent them losing interest in you. Make your bio focus on passions, hobbies and interests so that people with the same interest will decide to be your long-term followers.
3) Tweet Professionally
Begin to tweet about other topics that you are passionate about and interest you. Your comments should be as meaningful and the information you provide should be useful to many people. You should #hashtag your interesting topics by highlighting tweet keywords, so that people searching topics that interest them will find your tweet. However, remember not to abuse the hashtagging feature as users may find it too cumbersome to sort through many hashtags and may tire of following you. Hashtagging is very useful when events are being organized so that followers will be informed of the progress.
4) Advertise Yourself
Advertise yourself and your twitter page on other websites or provide links on other networking sites you visit such as LinkedIn, Facebook and your chat profiles. Provide the twitter links in your email signatures and contact information including blogs or web pages you post contributions to. Remember the real world and your business cards where it will help if you will include your twitter information.
5) Learn From Big names on Twitter
Be attentive and observe what the most popular users on twitter write and learn from them. Choose those people who are not celebrities because they gained their followers from their status; concentrate on ordinary people whose popularity came from the content of their pages and use these same tactics grow your own tweeter base. Websites like list top users of twitter based on the number of followers.
Make sure you utilize the 5 tips above and you will increase your twitter base rapidly .Happy Tweeting !!
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