7 Best Places On Net For Customized Business Cards
|A business card, if well designed, can be your key to better connections and contacts. If your business card is aesthetically pleasing and at the same time can give an acquaintance all the information about you that you that would be useful or relevant to him, then you can congratulate yourself on a successful business card. While being tasteful, a business card should ideally reflect your personality and the uniqueness of your business, so that the person you are giving your card to has no trouble recalling your meeting later.
Once upon a time, in order to get your dream business card, you would be required to hunt out suitable designers and printers, explain your needs to them, and perhaps select from a catalogue of pre-existing designs. These days, you can design your own business cards sitting in the comfort of your home or office, with a little help from some business card websites.
These sites let you customize your cards to suit your requirement perfectly, and many of them deliver the cards to you after printing. We have for you a list of seven sites that will help you create the most amazing business cards:
1. VistaPrint Business Cards
For very beautiful business cards, visit the VistaPrint website. You can select from up to 40 designs, with formatted text alignment and background images. The site is currently offering 250 free business cards from its standard designs. However, if you prefer the premium designs, you’ll have to shell out nearly $15.
2. MOO
MOO has some of the most innovative card designs, with a selection of mini cards (which are smaller than business cards), rounded corner cards, luxe cards, and postcard size business cards. One of its latest offers is Facebook cards, which uses your Facebook cover picture and profile picture to create a business card.
3. Zazzle
The best part of shopping for business cards from Zazzle is that the designs are neatly categorized for different businesses and industries. So you do not have to stumble through thousands of unsuitable designs before you find the right one. Zazzle offers steep discounts for business cards bought en masse.
4. U-Printing
U-Printing has the cutest selection of business cards. You can buy standard rectangular cards customized with your designs for $17, but if you want a unique or unusual shape, you’ll have to fork out a bit more. U-Printing lets you have free samples before you decide to make your purchase.
5. Staples
Staples is a huge brand for stationery items and printable such as letterheads and calendars. You can also get business cards of awesome quality and variety here. If you need your cards in a hurry, they even have an option where they deliver your cards within 24 hours of placing the order.
6. PrintsMadeEasy
Another user friendly site for designing Business Cards and other stationeries, Prints Made Easy guides you to your perfect business cards in a few simple, easy to follow steps. The designs are sorted by a number of categories, and the site also provides you tips as to how to create attractive business cards
7. Tiny Prints
Tiny Prints has a huge collection of adorable designs and styles of business cards. Just use one of the templates to create your card, and Tiny Prints will print it to your specification and mail it to you, without keeping you waiting for an unnecessarily long time.