How To Password Protect Your PDF Easily

If you come across a password protected PDF, there are a thousand ways you can access it. If you have the password, you are ok, of course, but even if you don’t, there are a hundred PDF unlocking softwares out there that will help you to unlock a locked PDF. The real problem arises when you want to lock your own PDF, or in other words, give your PDF password protection. With so many unlocking software out there, password protection will be meaningless unless you use an awesome encoder which will ensure that nobody can read your PDF unless they have a password.

So how can you give the best password protection for PDF ? Simply follow the six steps below and you are done:

1. Go to the Primo PDF website and download the PDF creator software. Install it on to your computer and run it.

2. After you have downloaded the PDF creator software, open the file you want to secure and click on File. From the menu select Print. You will see the words Primo PDF in the dropdown. Click on them, and then select ok to convert the document to PDF, irrespective of the nature of the file.

Primo PDF

3. On the window that opens, as shown below, specify the name and path in which you want the file to be saved. Then click on the large button that says Security (circled in green)

Primo PDF creator

4. The window that opens next will ask you for the Password to Open. This is the password to your PDF that you need to set here and note down elsewhere.


5. The window also asks you for the Password to change security. This means that you will be setting certain security features, and without this password, the reader will not be able to change those features. The security features that you are can set to fit your own requirement and those of your legitimate readers are:

Allowing users to print your PDF

Allowing users to copy text and graphics from your PDF

Allowing users to add comments

Allowing users to change your PDF, including editing text and adding or removing pages

6. Click the Okay button. Your PDF is now password protected and ready for distribution. Congratulations!


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