13 Advanced Tips To Find Anything In Your Email Account

Email is one of the famous ways of non verbal communication nowadays. It allows exchange of ideas between individuals and provides greater flexibility in communication.

Email is not restricted to just communication of words but also allows exchange of files, folders and documents over the internet. The user has a number of options while sending a mail; he can add people to the recipient list without having to type in their email address every time. Other features available are to upload a file that needs to be sent, archiving multiple files in a folder and adding email recipients in CC or BCC segment as per need.


Email communication undoubtedly remains one of the efficient ways for interaction. It is widely preferred mode specially in work related areas where a written record is to be maintained. This facilitates the retrieving of the communication made between individuals at an earlier date. It may require that a person might have to search for a particular email that is very old. There are various ways one can search for a particular mail.

Some of the tips that can be useful while searching for the email are:

  1. Use of keywords like “from”/ “to”   followed by colon and the sender name/receiver name.  This makes searching for a mail received from/sent to a specified person easier.

  2. The use of   “or” keyword allows either of the messages in search text  to be displayed .

  3. The hyphen before a word allows that word   to be omitted in the search results. This is required when the user does not want to contain that word in his search results.

  1. The use of   “has” keyword allows the user to search for results which have a specific document/file attached to it. This is generally used in combination with other keywords like “from” and “to”.

  2. The “in: anywhere” keyword makes searching for mails anywhere in Gmail (except Spam and Trash) easier.

  3. The “after” and “before” keywords make it easier to search for a mail and refine the results within the stipulated date frame.

  4. The search results are not confined to mails. The chat history can also be retrieved by using “is: chat” in the search box. This returns the chat history of the person whose name is specified after “is” keyword.

  5. The use of ( ) helps to group key search words or specify terms that should not be excluded.

  6. The “Quotes” keyword will refine the search to only include messages that contain an exact phrase. The function is not case sensitive.

  7. One of the search criteria is   specifying the subject in the search text. This allows only mails with the mentioned subject to be displayed.

  8. The specific words in an email can be searched with the help of “label” keyword. This is particularly useful when looking for emails from a specified sender with a certain label.

  9. The important messages can be searched for by making use of  “is : important “ Keyword. This allows retrieving of messages that were marked important by Priority Inbox.

13.  One of the criteria to look for emails is the “cc” and “bcc” option which allows to look for emails in    which specified persons were copied . For example CC: Joseph would mean searching for all emails in which Joseph was kept in CC.

The rapid use of these keywords must be promoted across all email users as not many are aware of them. These few points can help the search for mails easier and faster .If the above points are employed as a part of daily practice; it can improve the efficiency of all the email users. The keywords mentioned above are however not restricted. There are many other ways in which search can be enhanced.

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