Basic Ubuntu/Linux Terminal Commands For Everyone
|When it comes to learn some cool stuffs about Ubuntu or any Linux distribution,then terminal commands will come in our first priority. Today we just come-up with some of the most commonly used Ubuntu terminal commands or Linux commands which any one can learn or master in few minutes.
View Any Directory
This is the basic linux terminal command that normally every one knows already. You can open the terminal and type in “ls ”to view directory contents.
View Any Hidden Directory/Files
This is the advanced version of “ls ” command,it will show you the hidden files and directories in ubuntu or any linux distribution that normally start with a dot in the front.
ls -a
Change any Directory
To change any directory in Ubuntu or any Linux distribution we use the terminal command “Cd”
cd ../ cd /home/Desktop
Print the current or working directory
This linux terminal command will help you print the current directory or the directory you are working on.
Make or create any directory in Linux
In-order to create or make any directory in ubuntu we use the linux terminal command “mkdir”
mkdir great_resources
Remove or delete any file or directory
We use linux terminal command “rm” to remove or delete any file or directory. The created directory will be in your Home folder. This command will remove the directories only if they are empty. If the directory is not empty you must put the -f flag for force deletion.
rm great_resources
rm great_resources-f
Move or rename any file or directory
We use the command “ mv” to move or rename any file in Ubuntu as well as other linux flavors.
mv great_resources ~/Downloads
This linux terminal command will move the file “great_resources” to the new location ie download folder on your Ubuntu linux. If you want o rename the file, the second option will e used.
mv great_resources new_ greatresource
View all the contents inside any file
We use linux terminal command “cat” to view all the contents inside our file folder.
cat great_resources
Gain Root Privilege on Ubuntu or Any linux distribution
You can use linux terminal command “sudo” to get the admin rights on ubuntu.This command is most widely used to get the admin power on linux machines.
sudo apt-get install gnome-shell
Copy Files and Directories
We use linux terminal command “CP” to copy any files and directories in Ubuntu or any Linux machine. You can copy that file to any specified directory you want.
cp 3idiots.mp4 ~/Downloads/movies/
Download file from Internet using command
You can download any files from Internet using the linux terminal,Just use the terminal command “wget” then the download URL if the file that you want to download
Run GUI Application with admin privilege
You can use the terminal command “gksudo”to run any application with administrative privilege. It is same as sudo command but built in Graphical user interface mode.
Shutdown your Ubuntu PC from Terminal
Shutting down your Ubuntu PC from terminal is easy. Just use the terminal command “ shutdown”.You can schedule the
shutdown by specifying the exact time.
shutdown -0
Restart Ubuntu PC from terminal
If you want to restart your PC use the terminal command “restart”