Focus Your Efforts to Find the Right Social Media Followers

Social Media is quickly becoming an important factor for any company today, and it is just as important as choosing the right WordPress themes. Companies are flocking to different social media sites, such as TwitterPinterest and Facebook. Sometimes they even hire professionals to help them get more followers on those sites. They reason that the more followers they have the better. However, they are not always considering the quality of those followers. While they might all be nice people, they might not all be ideal for your company. You want to have more than just followers. You are looking for leads, and this means that you need to focus your efforts so that you are getting the best possible followers for your company.


Followers on Twitter

You will be able to get some quality followers on Twitter with relative ease, and the best way to do that is with targeted connections. You want to find people who have interests in areas that somehow relate to your company. Consider your keywords that you use for your website and online content, and then search for followers who use those keywords. For example, if you have a company specializing in Hawaiian vacations or boat rentals, look for people who are using those keywords and target them. Travelers would be another group to target.

Whenever you post, make sure that you aren’t only posting information about what you sell and what you offer. Provide good content, and you will find that people are more likely to follow you, and that they are more likely to be open to the things that you do offer. One thing that you have to be careful of is followers who are nothing more than bots. Twitter tries to get rid of the fake followers and the spam followers, but you still have to be careful.

Facebook Connections for Your Page

Finding people who will be a valuable part of your follower network can be tricky when it comes to Facebook. The tools that twitter offers to find followers who are similar to you and what you offer are absent on FB for the most part. You still have a few things that you will be able to do in order to help you focus your efforts, though.

If you already have a blog or a website up and running, chances are that you already have fans of your company. Make sure you let them know that you have an Facebook page and that it would be helpful to you if they would go and join or like your page. When they do this and when they share the content on your page, it is going to make it easier for others to come and find your Facebook page. Since the content brought them to your page, you can be sure that they are followers that are more likely to be interested in the types of things that you offer.

Ads are another option. You could run ads on Facebook to let people know about your page. While this is a tactic that could work it is an added expense, and you might not want to spend money on an option that could have negligible results.

Something else that you might want to try is to hold a giveaway. Let people know that if they like your FB page, they have a chance to win a prize, such as a Kindle. This will get more people on your page. However, one of the problems here is that anyone who wants to win something is going to enter and like your page, not just those who have an interest in your type of products. A way around this is to choose a giveaway from the products or services that you offer.

This is a guest post by Olga Ionel,She is a creative writer at She is passionate by WordPress, SEO and Blogging. Also don’t forget to check out stunning WordPress Themes by themefuse .If you would like to write for UniqueTipsOnline, check our guest posting guidelines.


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