Google Adsense Ad’s will Get +1 Button From October 1st Onwards
|Yesterday I got an e-mail from Google Adsense team, Informing that they are going to add Google plus one (+1) button to AdSense for Content and AdSense for Mobile Content ad’s which include image, animated gif, and Flash advertisements. Below we added the e-mail that we got from Google Adsense Team.
Google actually want to promote the advertisers with the addition of plus one button and I hope advertisers will get benefited with this move, Becasue if and of your website visitor click on the plus one button will normally take them in to the advertisers website and 90 % of those recommendations will be converted to sales. I think Google AdSense ad with w +1 button will look some thing like below.
But I don’t know how it is going to work for the website owners. Once any visitor clicks on the plus one button on any Google AdSense advertisements normally they will get the advertiser webpage if he comes back to Google search again. I think this will reduce the repeated visitor’s traffic for your website.
Do you think adding Google +1 button to Google AdSense advertisements is a good move or not ?