Browse Internet Privately With Modern Web Browsers
|Nowaday’s the online security is becoming a main concern,Most of the browser providing companies come up with a private browsing option to the users.With Private browsing you can protect your browsing history.No one can find what sites you visited and what information you looked etc.Once you exit the private browsing mode the entire cached information will be deleted including cookies,temporary internet files etc.
Enable Private browsing on Google chrome
You can secure your browsing section on Google chrome by enabling the incognito window. Get started with private browsing by clicking ctrl + shift +N when chrome is running.
Start Google Chrome and type Ctrl+ Shift +N or Go to customize and control button on the top right corner of Google chrome select New incognito window, Chrome will start a new private browsing section for you.
Enable Private browsing on Firefox
It is so easy to open private browsing window in Mozilla Firefox .Open Firefox and go to tools and click start private browsing tab or you can type Ctrl+shift+P on the keyboard to start your private browsing section when Firefox is operating.
Enable Private browsing on Internet Explorer 8
You can start by going to safety tab on the to right corner of your IE 8 and click start In private browsing or you can ype Ctrl+shift+P on the keyboard to start your private browsing section when IE is running.
Enable Private browsing on Safari Browser
In safari you can start private browsing by going in to the settings icon on the top right corner and clicking on private browsing tab.
I hope you got a clear idea on how to start safe browsing on your computer.Let me know if you have any questions.
good one….. 🙂