How To Disable User Account Control or UAC In Windows 8
|User Account Control or UAC is implemented in windows to prevent unauthorised changes on your computer.Microsoft introduced User Account Control or UAC in windows vista operating system and you may be noticed how this feature safeguarded the security of windows vista computers.Microsoft also updated user account control or UAC very soon and integrated this feature in windows 7 to bring enhanced security features.
If you look in to windows vista and windows 7 you may be experienced the security limitations for example even an administrator user doesn’t got full rights to modify system settings and install programs.If you try to change or install any programs the modern windows versions will show you a prompt window asking you really want to do this.This will be an additional security to fight against those fake application installations in background.UAC will ask automatically for your permission, if any application want to make any changes to your computer if configured properly. I normally keep it in the default position,But there are some people who really got annoyed with this feature in windows,Especially some advanced windows users.Here I’ll show you how to disable UAC.
How To Turn UAC On or Off in Windows 8
- Press Win+ W key on your computer.
- Now search for UAC and open the application.
- There will be four levels of security options in User Account Control /UAC settings.To turn off UAC, move the slider to the Never notify or the last option and provide your windows 8 administrator user name and password to execute your changes.
Please make note that, you need to restart your computer to execute these changes completely.if you are on windows 7 I think below video will help you do this job easily.