How To Fix 408 Request Timeout Error

Some of you may be already faced this error in rare cases when you access you favorite website or blog,So what is actually the 408 Request Timeout Error ? The answer is simple, the request time out means the website you are trying to reach is not reachable at the moment. In 408 request time out case the request you send to the website server is taking the longer time than the web-server was prepared to wait. Means your network connection to the website is lost or in technical word we can say it is timed out.


Why 408 Request Timeout Error ?

There are many reasons for this 408 request time out error but the major cause will be the slow Internet connection that makes delay in getting response from the website server. In this cases before going for any detailed troubleshooting you can check whether your Internet connection is working properly or not ? If you are getting the same error on all of the website you visit then this 408 request timeout error is on the client side in this case you can check your Internet bandwidth or contact the technical support section of your ISP.

If you are getting the 408 error only from any particular website then it might be because of that websites server workload. If the website hosted socket connections are running normally then this 408 error will not come. If you are owner of that website which creating 408 Request Timeout Error then you must contact your web hosting provider for support. Make sure you provide all the sever logs to the support personal in-order to solve the problem quickly.

How To Fix 408 Request Timeout Error

408 errors are some times difficult to resolve because the socket error happens in very rare cases and in very rare case you will be able to notice it. Any way in general fixing a 408 request timeout on the client side will not take any big time.

All you have to do is just cleanup your Internet cache,cookies and try to refresh or reload your connection. Secondly check your Internet speed with your ISP. If the error happening only in some of the websites then shoot a mail to that web-master and let them check their server load.

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