How To Fix Error 324(net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The Server Closed The Connection On Google Chrome
|I don’t know what’s happening with Google Chrome! Recently I found lot of issues happening after the latest Google chrome update .One of the recent issue was the plugin shockwave flash player isn’t responding issue and this time I got No data;Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection without sending any data message frequently whenever I click on any blog post or article on any website.After days of searching for a solution finally I find out why it’s happening in Google chrome browser.
As a normal troubleshooting I done disabling the extensions and plugins on Google chrome but the issue not fixed completely,after one two hours I got the same Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection message.After doing few more additional research on the matter I found this issue can cause due to different factors,means there is no any single fix for this issue.
This can be happen if the browser hangs while trying to use sockets that have been idle too long. Some of my colleagues reported they were able to fix the issue temporarily by viewing their desired page in an incognito window.Some of the other users reported that it’s due to their internet download manager issue.You can also try your luck by doing below step on your internet download manager settings.
Go to Downloads > Options > General and uncheck the”use advanced browser integration” check box.
For some other users I found this issue was happening due to the Google chrome cache problem as Google chrome trying to load the page using the cache.The best way to get away from this error is emptying the cache and reloading the page.
If you are looking for a permanent solution found on one of the Google forum,then I tried this step As I was able to fix it .
As per the Google forum thread, this issue was due to the conflicting MTU values on your PC and your router/modem. MTU value is should not be higher on your PC than your router. In-order to correct it Follow the steps
Step 1 : First check your router settings and note the MTU.Normally you can acess your router by typing if not sure check your router catalogue and find the MTU value from the WAN settings.
Step 2 : Go to Command Prompt (Make sure you have admin rights ) and type netsh interface ipv4 show subinterface .It will list all the MTU values for the avilalbe interfaces on your computer.You can normally ignore the first one called Loop back.
In my case I can see 1500 is the value for all the interface MTU’s.However my router’s MTU value was 1492.If you come in to this situation,then it’s your decision whether you keep as it or change it to match your PC MTU value.
Step 3. Change the MTU value on your PC
Go to command prompt and type netsh and wait for prompt
Type the command interface and wait for prompt
Type the command ipv4 and wait for prompt
Type the command set subinterface “Local Area Connection” mtu=xxxx store=persistent [ change the xxxx value with your router MTU value ]
If you have a wireless interface on your computer then execute below command.
Type the command set subinterface “Wireless Network Connection” mtu=xxxx store=persistent [ change the xxxx value with your router MTU value ]
Now the Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection on my Google chrome was solved after matching the MTU values on my PC and Router.Try your luck with all the methods I pointed out and let me know it’s working for you or not !