How To Free Up RAM In Android Phone
Android phones are Linux (Operating system) based, where memory management is not that easy. It is even more difficult if you are a power user. For you, memory “not used” will be memory “wasted”. Here I am talking about RAM (Random Access Memory); it is that memory which is used by the running instance of any application or service on your device. What if you want to run an application which needs half of the memory of all the memory you have?
How To Free Up RAM In Android Phone
Though Android phones are smart enough to implement some memory management techniques like time sharing where same part of memory is used by different applications running at different times. But this is sometimes not sufficient and you may need to take care of few aspects in order to utilize the maximum potential of the RAM available. Here are few pointers which may help you to resolve any future memory related issues also let you free up RAM in android phone, keep in mind here I am talking about only RAM and not about any other storage medium.
Load minimum apps required
We tend to install each and every good app we see, it is even more tempting when it is free. But let me remind you; you will need more and more memory to run those applications. More apps loading may start more background services, which in turn need more RAM. So it is advisable load only those applications, which you think are vital.
Uninstall all those apps you rarely use
Well, unfortunately you have loaded many apps and now you are facing speed issues, which are memory issues on your phone. What to do? Simply try to find out what are those apps which you barely use and are taking lot of space. You can figure out this by going to menu / Settings / Applications / Manage Applications / menu / sort by size. Mark and uninstall them. You can archive those on SD card or so for future use.
Move frequently used Apps back from SD card
Surprised why I am asking to load app from SD card back to internal memory? Please note, here I am asking to load back only those apps which you use frequently. This will speed up your phone as loading from SD card can slow down the experience. So it is suggested to keep the frequently used apps on internal storage and rarely used apps on SD card. You can also use utilities like AppManager, AppMonster, or Titanium Backup to archive the apps on SD card.
Widgets – minimise the use
Widgets are user-friendly and help with easy steps of execution, but let me remind you these are not at all friendly when we talk about memory they consume. This is because widget mostly loads one or two services to keep itself updated. So apparently a widget which may look like 50KB in size may actually consume 2 to 4 MB of space for each service it loads.
Use Static Wallpaper
I can understand your love for beautiful screens and wallpapers but as you know everything comes with a cost. So if you are facing any memory problem please use static wallpapers. For your information even single dynamic (LIVE) wallpaper can use 2 MB to 20 MB of space and that too running continuously. Not only this, dynamic wallpaper will suck up CPU power and battery to make your life more difficult, than beautiful.
If required, Kill Unnecessary Services manually
Today when every app comes with a handful of services, it is very important to keep a check on these. There are services, which run even when their apps are not running or are exited after task completion. In those cases it becomes important to kill those services manually, which otherwise will be eating your internal memory (RAM) unnecessarily. For example: YouTube occasionally loads a “widget service” when it’s not even running and you may not find any widgets on screen. Google Maps have a service called “Places” that sometimes loads even when Maps is NOT loaded.
Be careful if using any Task Killer app
Android systems are developed with skilled memory management techniques and using a Task Killer app can be more harmful than help. Advanced Task killer apps may interfere with the built in memory management techniques. If not used wisely Task apps can kill those running apps temporarily, which will be reloaded by the built-in memory management system. If you can avoid then don’t load any such app. But in case you have one loaded, turn off any auto-kill or schedule-kill activities. Whenever you wish to kill any service, kill it manually.
There are few tips which you can use to free up RAM in your Android phone. Hope this will make your like faster and lighter.
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