Simple Tips To Make Optimum Use Of Search Engines
|Internet, the very first word that comes to our mind wherever we get stuck is a blessing for us all. Search engines to be precise let us check the immense databases of web pages with the use of titles, keywords, text and likewise.
We all are well aware of this but the fact remains that somewhere or the other we know that there’s lot more potential of search engines than we actually take it to be. The challenge is to make the optimum use of search engines and this comes with practice and better know-how of useful tips and tricks to use the search engines effectively. Learning how these work and how to use them quickly and effectively helps a great deal thereby making us confident of being the master of maximizing the efficient use to get the desired results.
Wish to read about the tips/tricks to use the search engines the right way so that you don’t end up overwhelmed with too many search results or with too few or unable to locate the material you actually are looking for? Scroll down!
Use the + Symbol
Usage of + symbol helps you to let the search engine know what exactly information you are looking for. + symbol narrows down an overwhelming number of results enabling you to find the information you need that actually is fruitful.
Whichever search engine you are using ensure to include the + symbol before all essential keywords. This will make search engines show only the results that include all the words you’ve entered.
Use the – Symbol
Unlike the + symbol, enables you to find pages that contain one word and not another. For example, if you want to search for information about ‘home decorating’ that doesn’t relate to the architecture, you could search this way: Home decorating -architecture. This will make it easier for search engines to provide you with the desired information to the limited extent.
Use Quotation Marks
Using quotation marks lets you specify that the search engine must provide pages where your term appears exactly as it’s typed. For example you are searching for “blogging tips”, using quotes will help you refine your search and the pages that include the exact phrase would appear right in front of you.
Combining the symbols
Its actually a fun exercise for getting practically the right results. For example, begin an initial search using – symbols like star wars -yoda -princess -leia. Thereafter, revamp the search with the following keyword strings like “star wars” -yoda -“princess leia”. This will ensure that essential phrases appear in the search results in the correct order while the keywords you don’t want get omitted.
To sum up, learning the correct use search engines effectively, will help you get the receive relevant and useful results in a short span of time. With the anticipation that these tips will help you make the optimum use of search engines the right way here we come to an end. If wish to share any tip you feel might be aptly the part of the list do share with us.