Top 10 Apps And Cloud Services For Note Taking And Sharing

Notes are an important part of anybody’s life, whether you are a student or a professional. As you work, whenever you come across something, some bit of information, that you may need in the future, you make a note of it. Of course you could jot it down on some note paper, or even on one of those yellow sticky notes, and keep it handy where you remember it. But experience tells us that you will never see the piece of paper again, it will soon be lost forever, and when the information in question becomes relevant, you will barely remember having written a note.

Noting it down in your notepad on your computer isn’t any better either, as you tend to forget where you saved the file. Moreover you cannot access the files when you are not on the computer, or when you are on some other computer. So it might me altogether better to use an app or a cloud service that lets you take notes easily, manages your notes for you, and lets you share them with other people or access them on other computers at any time.

Here are ten of the best of such sites.

1. Keynote

Keynote is a notebook for Windows that is free and portable as well as tabbed. It lets you make notes and store them at multiple levels, using rich text editor.


2. OneNote

OneNote 2010 from Microsoft lets you save all your texts in one place. You can use anything to build your text file, ranging from images to videos to digital handwritings.

3. Treepad Lite

Treeware is supported on Linux and Windows and lets you create whole patchworks of notes, which the software then helps you arrange in a tree like hierarchy that can be easily searched.

Treepad Lite

4. Tiddly Wiki

You don’t have to install the Tiddly Wiki app, rather, it is a single file HTML wiki that you can edit by adding your notes. All you need to do is open the html in a web browser.

5. WikidPad

WikidPad is a multi platform notepad that resembles wiki technology. You can create a large number of notes and crosslink them using keywords, thus creating a whole network of notes.


6. Evernote

This is a cloud service that lets you save bits of text, images, web clippings and much more by storing it in a cloud facility. You can access your stuff from anywhere with an internet connection.

7. SpringPad

If you wish your note pad would be more interactive and would actually help you in taking notes, the Spring Pad cloud service is just for you, as it offers you relevant information about whatever you just noted down.


8. SimpleNote

SimpleNote is another cloud app that lets you store your notes and share them across platforms like Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

9. Zoho Notebook

Zoho notebook is a cloud feature that lets you create notes from a large number of devices, and then organize those notes to make a book or a scrapbook.

10. Springnote

Springnote lets you make separate notebooks for yourself and to be shared by a group. Group notebooks can be editing by a large number of people anywhere in the world.


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