Top 10 Cloud Based Tools That Can Increase Your Productivity
|There was a time when we relied solely on email, instant messenger, and file transfer protocol to get our files across to our colleagues and business partners. It was an era of waiting for files to attach, worrying about storage space and related expenses, relying on vulnerable hardware to keep your precious files safe, and being able to work only from your desk or your personal laptop.
Not surprisingly, these modes are now considered archaic, and more & more people are moving away from them in search of more productive options. Today, people are increasingly relying on cloud based tools to send, receive and share information, as these are much faster and safer, and allow you to function from anywhere you happen to be, provided you have an internet connection.
Instead of sending mails to and fro while trying to finalize the editing of a document, you can just upload it on a cloud server and your entire team can access it sitting at various parts of the world.
So, if you are tired of slow and unproductive tools of the previous era, here are ten cloud based tools that will make your work in the office much easier and simpler:
1. Google Docs
If you and your partner are miles apart but need to create and work on a document together, Google docs is an awesome option for you. This tool lets you create all sorts of documents, including word sheets, spreadsheets, and presentations, and lets the people you are sharing these documents with operate upon them smoothly
2. Google Reader
Have all your subscriptions in one place and open them wherever you need with Google reader. Whether you need to stay updated with blogs, newspapers, magazines, or journals, Google reader will be more than happy to help.
3. Google Bookmarks
Feel frustrated that the sites you marked for frequent viewing in your office computer have to be searched for all over again in your home computer? Store your site markers on a cloud with Google Bookmarks and access them from anywhere.
4. Dropbox
Access all your crucial files from any location or device, without having to rely on pen drives, by simply uploading them on Dropbox. Besides giving you easy and comfortable access even when you are away from your office desk, it also gives you a backup of those files, which can be recovered in case of any system data loss.
5. Evernote
Imagine you are on the road, or waiting at an airport, when suddenly you remember something urgent that you might forget if you don’t note it down immediately? This tool is really great for taking notes, making to-do lists, setting goals, all on a cloud that you can operate from any place you find convenient.
6. Screwturn
If you need to constantly collaborate with your colleagues, teammates, or partners, it may be smart for you to create a wiki. A wiki is an information centered website that can be collaboratively edited (such as Wikipedia). Screwnotes lets you create, manage, and edit your wikis.
7. Mozy
The data you store in your personal computer or on any sort of hardware such as external hard drive, is extremely vulnerable to loss or damage. A physical impact, or a single corrupt file, could mean that you lose all your precious files in a few seconds. Keep your data safe by storing a cloud backup on Mozy.
8. Yammer
Yammer is a private social network for your company, which lets you stay in touch with your colleagues through a customized network, even when you are not in office.
9. Backupify
Don’t lose sleep over the risk of loss of your online data due to a hacking attack or a virus infection. Use the Backupify tool to create a cloud backup of all the data on your personal mail, twitter, social networking, or blog.
10. Hootsuite
Bring all your social media under one dashboard and control them from wherever you are, and stay connected to all your important contacts.
I hope you’ll try out all these cloud tools for your work and personal project, and take advantage of this latest technological breakthrough for taking your productivity to a new high.