Watch The Longer Video Review For Nokia Lumia 900 Windows Phone
TechFeedTV just done a longer video review for Nokia Lumia 900 LTE Windows Phone for AT&T.Nokia Lumia 900 windows phone for AT&T looks very polished,easy to navigate and runs smoothly. if you would like to get the new Nokia lumia 900 windows phone before the launch your can now pre-order the same from Microsoft store.
Some of the reports claiming that the new Nokia Lumia 900 Windows Phone video review is a controlled leak inorder to getting consumer interest and getting people introduced to the Windows Phone interface but I don’t think it’s controlled leak.
Nokia Lumia 900 is expected to launch on April 1st or 9th of 2012. I love the phone so far I’d love to see the camera and see how that works. Just wait for the official launch to know more about the features and price.