What is Facebook Edgerank ?

Recently, Facebook introduced a secret  algorithm which determines what pops up on a Facebook users “News Feed”. This algorithm is called Facebook Edgerank.The Edgerank algorithm is a close cousin to the Google PageRank algorithm based on how it is used, namely to rank information in a way that Google or Facebook thinks is most interesting to you.

A marketer use SEO to get their brand’s page to the top of a user’s search. It is the same thing with Edgerank. A marketer uses SEO-type tactics to get their brand’s Facebook page at the top of users’ News Feed. Does this make any sense? I am wondering! Whether Facebook trying to open up a SEO kind of market like Google?


If your Facebook Content’s Edgerank score is low It will be essentially Invisible on News feed. Mean’s you need to produce content which will actively engage your audience and you’ll probably have to do it more often.

If you made high quality content you will be able to get in to your audiences News Feed,and you will be in the trusted club. It will increase the possibility of your content going Viral on Facebook.

So what I understand is Facebook Edgerank will help Facebook users to get very relevant and updated information based on their browsing habits and interests.

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