Choose Your Smartphone Over Laptop : Here Is How

Mobile technology has always been pushing the limits. Think about it, most of your computing tasks can be readily done on your smartphone. Al though you can’t really compare them on the size and power factors, but in this post you will learn how you can tweak and use some fundamental concepts helping you take the most out of your mobile device.


Apps and accessories

  1. One thing that is totally painful about touch screen smartphone is the discomfort of typing. No matter how used to you have become with your phone, still it will never get closed to physical keyboard typing experience. Here is the solution, get a keyboard!

Yes, purchase a smartphone-compatible Bluetooth keyboard, preferably the ones which can be folded. Not only this will enhance your experience, saving the time but it won’t take much space in your bag.

       2.The next big thing is the app functionality. We know that we can’t run the powerful video editors like Pinnacle studio, or Adobe Premiere Effect on our Android device, but visit Play Store and see the variety of apps we have in there. There is Adobe Reader and Foxit reader to view the PDF files, there is Office suite to view and edit word documents and presentations support, we have Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox for all our internet browsing, there are email clients, even BitTorrent clients are there to let you download files over P2P network, and of course you can play thousands of awesome games like Angry Birds and Temple Run. It is true that you can’t install and get all the features of Adobe Photoshop, but you can try Adobe Photoshop Touch and get most of its features.

       3.Sync all your favorite music from you itunes account over to your smartphone using this awesome app called AirSync. It lets you send all your music across and even let you listen to them in a third-party music player

           Okay, so we have an external keyboard, but you want a mouse too, of course if that’s possible, right?

         Well, it is possible. See most of the smartphones coming out today comes up with a mini USB port. You can plug a desktop mouse in via a USB adapter.

Besides, you can install VLC Media Player or MX player and view all your media files, even at 1080p HD (Only if your device can support it).

If you think about it, you don’t really need to take out your laptop (or buy one for that matter) for most of the time. You can use the incredible, yet free services like Google Docs and integrate and continue your document editing from where you left it on your PC.

Many of the Internet browsers support desktop view, and if you are not a fan of the mobile versions of a website, you can simply turn the desktop feature on, and it will work as if you are using it on your computer.

You also don’t have to worry about the fact that your mobile can’t have the gigantic sort of memory as we featured on PCs, you can install Google Drive or Dropbox and upload and sync all the files you want just in a few taps!

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